This book appears on Mrs. Laura Bush's 2024 Summer Reading List for Kids.

Love Makes a Garden Grow

By Taeeun Yoo

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Item #1534442863:
When I am as small
as a sprout,
Grandfather’s garden feels

A young girl observes the bugs and blooms and the rich smell of the soil of her grandfather’s garden. Her grandfather hums as he waters his treasured plants. And when he gives the girl a flower of her own, caring for it teaches her to feel her grandfather’s love.

Even as time passes and her grandfather’s garden grows smaller and the girl grows up, she never forgets what she learned or loses her closeness with her nurturing grandfather.

When my daughter is as small
as a sprout, we visit Grandfather

Inspired by the author-illustrator’s own family, this beautiful and personal story celebrates the love that binds families and makes us who we are.